John K. Costa ( I spent four years living in the US illegally, trying to manipulate Jocelyn to get my green card. She figured out my motive and we eventually broke up. She went out drinking with friends after our breakup so I set a trap. I called her mom and lied, saying that we were working things out but Jocelyn was drunk at the bar and needed a ride. Her mom dropped her off at my apartment. We'd never had sex before, but that night I had unprotected sex with Jocelyn while she was passed out due to alcohol intoxication, getting her pregnant. Jocelyn later realized what I did but was too scared and ashamed to file a police report. She refused my green-card marriage proposal, so I abandoned her and her unborn baby. Two months before the baby was born, I married a different girl, finally getting my green card. Then I sued Jocelyn for rights to our child that she had been raising with her new husband. Four years later, despite their best efforts to fight me in court, a Texas judge legally named me as the rightful father of the son that they'd been happily raising together. Thanks, America! UndeservedJustice #KidsAreNotProperty #ObamaProtectedThisPOS #DeportIllegals #Vote